The outdoor lights with the "peppermint" tree to the left that my dad and I are oh so proud of.
My grandpa's homemade candles that I'm fairly certain are made entirely out of materials from the 60's.
The misleading "This House Believes in Santa" sign along with some snowmen.
The staircase with some sore of fake plant wrapped around the banister (and more snowmen).
The spinning snowman toy that's somewhat hypnotic to watch in action.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus
The Advent Tree which I faithfully add a decoration to each day of December leading up to Christmas. Sadly, it used to light up, spin around, and play music but no more.
The musical snowmen with a new addition; the trombone player.
The magical angels that spin around and ring bells when you light the candles.
One of my favourite decorations.
The plate we used to put the milk and cookies on for Santa.
Some more nice decorations
Our personalized stockings
My mom's light-up Christmas village complete with firehall, school, and train station.
Some families like to have a stylistic theme to their Christmas tree. We just cover it in random crap.
Harry Potter and Hedwig
A pretty angel
The leg lamp and the box it came in from A Christmas Story that plays quotes from the movie
7 of 9 and apparently a Christmas Spider (it makes...tinsel?)
I was not aware we had a sushi decoration until today
When my mom gave this fat angel to my overweight sister she innocently said "When I saw this, I thought of you."
And of course, my dad's incredibly tacky Canucks Snowman with a little tree to keep him company.